
Stonehearth steam charts
Stonehearth steam charts

stonehearth steam charts

It wouldn't be bad if only the characters would also consider doing what they're told to, and especially if the game didn't struggle so much by the end of a year. The game loops consists in "cut and replant the tree, order your trapper to do it's thing, order your farmer to farm more, make your cook cook food instead of talking to the herborists, make the herborist keep something like 69,420 potions in the inventory because everyone gets injured for no reason, and build the equivalent of a ghetto because everyone demands to have their own housing, and dig out the mountain. It then becomes an horde management survival, with a boring look and unresponsive characters, and where you'll have to manage not only the more than welcome random events (like the log enemies attacking you), but also the goblins attacking nearly everyday.


Instead it's just a game where, even with mods like "ace", all you have to do is to focus on your military and farmers, regardless of your tribe, because the goblins will constantly ask for more and more ridiculous requests until you'll fail and then they'll start invading you. This game could've been the next Dwarf Fortress. Which makes for poor optimization and hard to implement mechanics. Abandonware despite the community's great efforts to continue this game, the developers, which were bought by Riot, which in turn shut down the project, still haven't released the code*.

Stonehearth steam charts